Monday, May 25, 2009



God is amazing!! The love He pours out is overwhelming. The constant love I have received lately is encouraging.

As a part of my DTS we are leaving for our "outreach" portion on June 25. The team I am joining is heading to South Africa for 3 months. We are going to be on a "overland truck", which is basically an old army truck converted for passengers. We will be traveling for 26 days stopping at villages around South Africa, working with food programs, church plants, medical care etc. The next two months aren't set in stone as to what we are doing, but God will direct us and open doors to serve and share the Gospel.

The main reason I am writing is to ask if anyone feels God directing them to partner with me financially. Since the South African "rand" has become stronger with the "dollar", the costs of our outreach are higher then expected. At this point, I'm $3500 american dollars short. I would love it if you could pray and ask God is he is asking you to support me.

Please email me and ask ANY questions you have about my time here in Hawaii or about South Africa. Thank you for your continued prayers, constant support and love.

Jonathan Grime

1 comment:

  1. the money will come my friend! from YWAMer to YWAMer, it will come! and you will be amazed at the stories God brings with it!

    love you friend!
    keep me in prayer as i leave for outreach on sat!
