Monday, September 28, 2009

back in Canada

Is this my life?
Am I really here?

After traveling for 24 hours straight, these are questions I ask myself and God. Life seems to be very surreal, like i'm living another persons amazing life. But I pinch myself, and realize God has given this beautiful gift of life.

I've been back in Brantford, Canada for only about 48 hours now, yet it seems like i've never left. I love my family, friends, my country, my city (even though it can be boring at times haha) my church family, my community. God will and does have purpose for me while i'm here, but I still can't wait for the next journey.

My plan while I am home is to connect with as many of you as possible, share about my time away, and just enjoy life here. I'm also going to be selling off my many items I do not need, and hopefully getting a part time job to save some money to be able to go back.

As I have stated before, I've been waiting on God for direction for the next season of my life, as I want to continue full time missions. I knew that going into YWAM, that it was just the beginning of a new season, a season and life of obedience. Through prayer/talks with God, endless conversations with friends, I feel as if God wants me to continue the ministry I was involved with in South Africa.

I was blessed with a 450 Euro flight credit, so that's at least half my ticket back to Cape Town. I'll need about another $600 Cnd for the other half of my flight. If you would like to donate Air Miles, that is an easy way to support me as well. I've calculated that my monthly costs, inc. rent and food will be about $500 cnd a month. If you are interested in partnering with me on a month to month basis, or just a one time donation, I'll be setting up a way to get you tax deductible receipts

In the next coming weeks, I will be hosting an open house for anyone who wants to come and hear about my travels, see my photos, enjoy great conversations, and of course delicious coffee and desserts.

I'm available anytime to grab a coffee, chat, so please feel free to call me anytime. 519-752-5513.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

the end. of the beginning

A mix of emotion this week as my DTS is coming to an end.

I've been blessed by friends (I call them family now) here in South Africa and in Kona, Hawaii, more than I can ever describe in words.


Gods love has been persistent and abounding.
God has been faithful.
God has been gracious.
God pours down joy in my life.


These are all his characteristics.
They are WHO GOD IS.

I've met God in the many corners I have crawled into.
I've met God in the massive fields I have ran in.

God is always waiting for me around each and every corner.

My faithful journey with the Creator is never going to end, but this season is coming to end just as another season of faithfulness is about to begin.

As I have stated before in other updates, I not 100% sure what journey I'm going to step into next, but I know God is right beside each step of the way.

I'll be home in Ontario on the 24th of Sept. and I am really stoked to connect with you my friends and family.
Be able to swap stories, share life together, live out God's love with each person we come in contact with.

Some things I need prayer for as I transition back home.

1. Continued growth in Gods word
2. A clear vision of the Lords will for my life
3. Financial backing for the next season of my life

There's a few more, but those are the main 3 that have been on my heart and mind.

If you want to ask any specific questions, I'll be happy to answer your emails.

I'll be sending one more email before I leave South Africa with more details about my next step, so please keep me in your prayers this week as I seek God's word for direction.


Jonathan J. Grime

Thursday, September 3, 2009

almost the end....

As my DTS is ending, I was pondering about my time here and i have come up with a couple lists.

26 things I love about South Africa:

1. It's MANY people groups
2. Delicious pot bread (no, not that kind of pot)
3. Living in a hut with a floor made out of cow dung
4. Traveling on a crowed train
5. Traveling on a crowed taxi
6. Traveling on a sweet yellow bus, ahem I mean truck
7. The hospitality of the people here
8. Getting 7 rand for every Canadian dollar
9. Cheap, but tasty coffee
10. Living with a family of believers, sharing life, love and our love of Christ with each other
12. THE OCEAN!!!
14. Learning about the Xhosa people
15. Learning to speak Xhosa (not very well though)
16. Paying 6 rand in 5 and 10 cent pieces for a taxi and getting laughed at
17. Spending time in the townships talking to everyone
18. BRAAI (South African BBQ's)
19. Breathtaking views from the tops of mountains
20. African time (there's always time to have a chat, not matter how busy you are)
21. Cathy and Frank
22. How gorgeous the people are here, inside and out
23. The children
24. How dancing is a huge part of worship
25. Their love of music
26. My wonderful teams mates

Key things to remember when in South Africa:

1. Always carry a camera, because you never know
2. Don't carry a "normal" camera bag, it could be easily recognized and stolen
3. Do not pay a taxi in 5 and 10 cent pieces, they don't like that
4. Always carry a bible
5. when taking the train, make sure you leave 20 min early, the train is always late, on time and early
6. Never walk along at night in the city
7. when walking along at night in rural areas, watch out for cows, dogs, sheep, and many land mines (cow dung)
8. A torch or headlamp is a must in the rural areas
9. You'll need shorts, a sweatshirt, pants, rain jacket, toque, gloves, t-shirt, hiking shoes, sandels, sneakers all in one day. You never know.
10. When asking for water in a restaurant, make sure you specify TAP water. (and often that isn't even an option)
11. Stop at Kalky's in Kalk Bay for fish and chips
12. You can always talk down any vendor, usually at least half of what they ask

I'll be leaving Cape Town on Sat. to go north for two weeks for a conference and debrief of our time here. Therefore, I may not have internet for awhile. So if you want to get ahold of me, well you may not be able to. I may get internet for one day, but that's not for sure.

Keep me in your prayers as my time ends here. For the seeds of faith that we planted to grow and prosper. The things we have started here will continue as more groups come here.

I'll be flying home to Ontario on Sept.23 and arriving in Toronto on the 24th. A welcoming at the airport would be MARVELOUS, but i understand if you can't =)

Miss you my friends and family.
Thank you for making God's plan for my life come into fruition.


ps. I'm no longer a vegatarian. Sorry my vegi friends.
pps. I will accept any form of steak and i'll provide great conversation =)