Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dec.17.09 update

As you may all know, I have been asking God some hard questions and in turn, expecting some hard answers.

What is my purpose on this earth?
What am I doing in South Africa?
How can i effectively serve the people here?
Am I really making an impact?
What more can I be doing?

Through the 5 or so weeks I have been here, the one answer I have been hearing is "yes". Funny right?
The only thing i hear God is telling me is, "yes Jonathan, be all you can be, do my work here on earth". Just simply caring for people, loving them for who they are, serving in any way I can, praying, playing, teaching, listening, singing, being a part of their lives.

I've spent the past 3 weeks working along side my friends Clinton and Lydia, who have dedicated their time here to seeing Gods love poured out on the people of Capricorn. Like I have stated before, we are leading simple home churches, bible studies with adults and children alike, and as the new year approaches we're praying to see these groups multiply and more hearts turned towards Christ.

I have been told by many South Africans that the holidays around here can get a bit hectic
and because of the busyness of this time of year, we have prayerfully decided to take a bit of a break from the home groups. Please be praying for safety as many of our friends are traveling home to see their families for Christmas.

Thank you so much for all your encouraging emails. They truly bring brightness and joy to my day/week and to be honest, I sometimes really NEED them.

I pray this Christmas season brings you all joy, love, and happiness. Keep your eyes focused on the true meaning of this all; Jesus Christ.


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